Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lila: A worldview worth viewing

Under the title "Kid@heart" the description reads, "I choose wonder, recess, and Lila." What's Lila you ask? It's actually a Hindu term that refers to divine playfulness. Under this concept, the heavens, the earth, and the underworld are simply one big playground. I'm not sure what all the religious implications of that view are, but I do like to contemplate the secular (especially the classroom) ones.

Imagine a couple who chooses to view their disagreements in terms of a war metaphor. What do they do/feel/think at this time? According to the groundbreaking book by Lakoff and Johnson, they "attack" their sweetheart's weaknesses in hopes of being "right on target." They desperately try to "win" the "battle," and "defend their position." They avoid "surrender" at all costs.

On the other hand, imagine a couple who chooses to view their disagreements in terms of Lila. They see their disagreement as part of the interplay of their marriage. What does that look like? When my children play, I see self-expression, I see role-play, I see collaboration, I see a need for choice and for some control, and I see lots of smiles.

Of course I've had my drill sergeant days in the classroom (and at home), but I am not most proud of those particular days. The days that I am most proud of entail the energy, the creativity, the self-expression, and the intrinsic motivation that you'll see on any playground. The days that I am most proud of entail Lila.


Carolyn Foote said...

I love this concept.

I think we would do well to encourage this sort of atmosphere of play in our classrooms as well as throughout our schools.

We all learn by exploring(and playing) and working together. Seems like sometimes we lose that sense of delight that is so key to life.

Judy O'Connell said...

A blissful and relaxing read. I love your focus and perspective on new and gentler (though still energetic) ways of sharing and creativity. Great blog - keep it going. Cheers, Judy